Performing administrative services, Maintenance, Intra-city transportation, Buildings and railway lines, Preparation, cooking and distribution of food and kitchen and restaurant affairs, Public services, Supply human resources, Creation and maintenance of green space, Contracting matters related to road construction, Matters related to power generation, distribution and transmission, Carrying out all electrical and installation work, Carrying out all telecommunication affairs, Matters related to well facilities, inside wells and pipelines, Water and gas facilities, Carrying out all water, Matters related to dams, heads and building of hydropower plant, Electrical and construction projects and similar cases in compliance with the current laws and regulations of the country
Accreditation Type
Certificate Type
ISO 14001:2015
Certificate Number
Date of Issue
Expiration Date
The fifth building, Left side, Post Mokhaberat alley, Jahad st, Farashband, Fars,Iran