Statement of neutrality

TUV ROYAL acts independently and in the way to highlight impartiality of all provided certifications services. Because of that, TUV ROYAL guarantees that its employees are not under any political, commercial and financial pressure during the provision of its services.
No person or corporation can influence on the decision of the staff and committee which are involved in certification activities.
While accepting a request from an organization that wants certification, if there is any indication that could lead to conflict of interest, no certification services will be provided to such companies.
All necessary resources needed for provision of quality services to our client and for minimizing complaints will be ensured all the time during the performance of system certification services in the most possible way in compliance with requirements of standard ISO/IEC 17021.
TUV ROYAL uses neutral, objective approach to parties during the certification activities, and has introduced necessary measures and ways to eliminate and minimize threats in a potential conflict of interest, in case of every situation that can lead to a conflict of interest.
TUV ROYAL guarantees that it will not provide any consultancy services in any way.
TUV ROYAL is ensured from professional responsibilities for any damages or risks that might occur at third parties under the certification activities.
TUV ROYAL doesn’t apply any hidden discrimination by speeding up or slowing down the process, or any other discriminating procedures against corporations that apply them in the certification procedure.